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This lists the current membership of the Open Space Institute - U.S. If the names are a link it goes to the member's website.

Click here for a searchable and sortable listing, and click here for a visual map of members and their locations.

GrievingMourningGrowing - Charlotte - North Carolina - United States
Elmdea Adams - Berkeley Springs - West Virginia - United States
Raffi Aftandelian - La Jolla - California - United States
Jeff Aitken - Inverness - California - United States
Dieter Ammann - Evanston - Illinois - United States
Elizabeth Amrien - Boston - Massachusetts - United States
Kate Armstrong - San Leandro - California - United States
Tova Averbuch - Holon - - Israel
Adele Azar-Rucquoi - Maitland - Florida - United States
Sherry Baker - Fort Langley - British Columbia - Canada
Stuart Baker - West Falmouth - Massachusetts - United States
Ed Ball - Banning - California - United States
Gregg Baron - Tampa - Flevoland - Netherlands
Larry Biddle - Tampa - Flevoland - Netherlands
Ana Blackstad - Des Moines - Washington - United States
Jerry Blank - Tacoma - Washington - United States
Mary Boone - Danbury - Connecticut - United States
Roger Breisch - - Washington - United States
Tom Brown - Metuchen - New Jersey - United States
Steve Burghardt - New York - New York - United States
Judith Cannon - Dallas - Texas - United States
LaShonda Carson - Tampa - Florida - United States
Karen Casey - Bainbridge Island - Washington - United States
Tricia Chirumbole - Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania - United States
Chandra Christian - New Hill - North Carolina - United States
Fernando Christian - 4708 Luterbach - - Switzerland
Astrid Claessen - - -
Charlie Colpitts - Atlanta - Georgia - United States
Ralph Copleman - Lawrenceville - New Jersey - United States
Jane Crowley - Glen Echo - Maryland - United States
Nadine Cummings - Olympia - Washington - United States
Dylene Cymraes - Severn - Maryland - United States
Suzanne Daigle - University Park - Florida - United States
Leon De King - Prescott - Arizona - United States
Betsey Devlin-Foltz - Silver Spring - Maryland - United States
Jack Donaldson - Portland - Oregon - United States
Nancy Doty - Norwalk - Connecticut - United States
Dell Drake - Seattle - Washington - United States
Stella Duffy - London - - United Kingdom
Linda Easley - Grass Lake - Michigan - United States
Ingrid Ebling - - - Denmark
John Engle - Vero Beach - Florida - United States
Sheryl Erickson - Uxbridge - Massachusetts - United States
Joelle Everett - Shelton - Washington - United States
Lois Fein - Livingston - New Jersey - United States
Suzanne Flores - Alexandria - Virginia - United States
Karen Furia - Seattle - Washington - United States
Douglas Germann - South Bend - Indiana - United States
Ric Giardina - Los Gatos - California - United States
Diane Gibeault - Ottawa - Ontario - Canada


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