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May 2010

Meeting Date: 
21 May 2010

Board Notes — OSI-US Friday, May 21, 2010

Present: Ed Laboy, Peggy Holman, Douglas Germann, Karen Davis, Phelim McDermott, Christine Whitney Sanchez and Suzanne Daigle
Absent: Harold Shinsato and Lisa Heft
Suzanne took notes at the meeting.
Started with silence, then check-ins.

Reflections on WOSonOS in Berlin

Peggy and Suzanne shared their experiences being at WOSonOS in Berlin describing what had been a lively event filled with passion, high energy and lively conversations.  Although there had been questions initially first in Berlin and then on the OSlist, the invitation to be in Chile in 2011 and London in 2012 is clear and has received wide enthusiastic support.

On-line web presence and identity

We continued our discussions acknowledging the many virtual tools that are out there now including Wiki sites which can be managed independently and which offer more features that many in the OS community seem to want. We are now using Word Press for OSI Board notes which is working well — easy to use in a shared, self-organizing way. The OS NING is also attracting more people.

Suzanne offered to work with Harold as they explore and reach out to the OS membership with the intent of creating one or more subcommittees. The goal is to walk before we run, looking at the big picture and consulting many in the OS community in the process. This topic will be the primary focus of our next Board meeting though the Board will not be directly involved in assessing any particular technology.

Doug has been working to connect with Michael Hermann to gather his insights as we look ahead to the long term anticipating that we will be changing our current platform at some point with an emphasis on a well-coordinated transition that assures we preserve and retain all the historical documentation that we have.


On Line Web presence and identity; confirm the availability of the OSI URL.

Potential for “strategic collaboration in open space community”

Annual meeting (all)


Next meeting: June 18th – 10:30 am PDT / 11:30 am MDT / 12:30 pm CDT / 1:30 pm EDT / 9:30 pm GMT

Karen will send us out a reminder with the call-in phone number a few days ahead of each meeting date.

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