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This lists the current membership of the Open Space Institute - U.S. If the names are a link it goes to the member's website.

Click here for a searchable and sortable listing, and click here for a visual map of members and their locations.

Diane Robbins - Seattle - Washington - United States
Christine Roess - Princeton - New Jersey - United States
Kendy Rossi - Niantic - Connecticut - United States
Jim Rucquoi - Maitland - Florida - United States
Kathleen Ryan - Issaquah - Washington - United States
David Sanderson - Lamoine - Maine - United States
David Sawyer - Apple Valley - Minnesota - United States
Albert Schinazi - Indianapolis - Indiana - United States
Chris Schoch - Paris - - France
Patricia Schwartz - Santa Barbara - California - United States
Greg Sedbrook - Inverness - Flevoland - Netherlands
Mark Sheffield - High Point - North Carolina - United States
Harold Shinsato - Stevensville - Montana - United States
Gabriel Shirley - Seattle - Washington - United States
Romy Shovelton - Caersws - Powys - United Kingdom
Clarice Sieden - Bellevue - Washington - United States
Stephen Silha - Vashon - Washington - United States
Philippe Slioussarenko - PARIS - - France
Anne Stadler - Lake Forest Park - Washington - United States
Linda Stevenson - Minneapolis - Montana - United States
Brent Stuart - Kent - Washington - United States
Robert Sullens - Fairfield - California - United States
Willie Tolliver - NY - New York - United States
Tom Torinus - Fish Creek - Wisconsin - United States
Catherine Tornbom - Mountain View - California - United States
Anthonia van der Zouwen - Vlijmen - - Netherlands
Siona van Dijk - Northampton - Massachusetts - United States
Gijs van Wezel - Shanghai - - China
Greg Vaughan - Scottsdale - Arizona - United States
Janice Vincent - Bellevue - Washington - United States
Alan Viswanathan - Bellevue - Washington - United States
Jay Vogt - Concord - Massachusetts - United States
Kay Vogt - Glen Ellyn - Illinois - United States
Barbara Waugh - Palo Alto - California - United States
Tim Weidman - McKinleyville - California - United States
Peter Weinmann - Heiligenstadt - - Germany
Uwe Weissflog - Milford - Ohio - United States
Gail West - Taipei - - Taiwan
Nathaniel White - - California - United States
Cynthia Whitehead - Oakland - California - United States
Christine Whitney Sanchez - Phoenix - Arizona - United States
Birgitt Williams - Raleigh - North Carolina - United States
Kate Williams - Seattle - Washington - United States
Ward Williams - Raleigh - North Carolina - United States
Jonathan Wolf-Phillips - Cambridge - Cambridgeshire - United Kingdom
Nancy Wolfberg - El Granada - California - United States
David Womeldorff - Bainbridge Island - Washington - United States
Leslye Wood - Seattle - Washington - United States
Metta Zetty - San Antonio - Texas - United States
Leslie Zucker - Washington - District of Columbia - United States


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